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I make a point to laugh every day.
Even when things are bad.
Especially when things are bad.
When I think about it, in some of the most dire circumstances, laughter has been there to help me get through.
There’s the laughter that comes at the most inappropriate times, starting with catching someone’s smirk, developing into a snigger and eventually, despite all your attempts to the contrary, erupts into full belly laughs that take over your entire body.
Laughter can arise when you least expect it.
And when you most need it.
When my mother was in intensive care between the hours of crying, waiting, feeling numb, feeling physically sick and sleeplessness, I would be periodically buoyed by a silly meme or video. The same was true after Mum died shortly afterwards.
That was five years ago this month.
It was at that time especially that I deeply understood how grief and joy can and do co-exist.
All those laughs were fuel for my depleted body, exhausted brain and broken heart.
Some people may have thought it inappropriate, but I wouldn’t judge how anyone grieves. We all respond differently. And you won’t know how you will respond until faced with it.
I can’t single out one particular thing that makes me laugh - I know what works for me and I find there are so many routes to it. I think one of my favourites is the contagious laughter you catch from someone else.
Laughter eases stress, in turn helping to support the immune system.
Laughter relaxes the body, soothing muscular tension.
Laughter helps you feel good by activating the release of endorphins.
Laughter looks after your heart by boosting the function of blood vessels.
Laughter is good for you.
Laughter is good for us.
Over to you:
What makes you laugh?
If you or someone you know is experiencing physical symptoms of grief you might find the following helpful:
Hatha Flow, Wednesdays 9.30-10.30am at Yoga Point, Brixton. Book here.
Wake-Up Hatha Flow, Thursdays 9.30-10.30am at MIND Yoga & Pilates, Forest Hill. Book here.
Rest + Restore, Saturday 5 April 3.30-5pm at Embody Wellness, Vauxhall. Find full details and book here.
Not able to join me in-person? There’s now almost two years’ worth of yoga and meditation practices from me here on Substack in The Reset and A Peaceful Pause, like this Meditation to Ease a Heavy Heart:
Try my Upper Back Reset on-demand class available on the YogaEasy (formerly EkhartYoga) platform here.
Thanks for sharing Paula it’s helped jog my memory of what makes me laugh and encourages a time to reflect. Many things can make me laugh, and it maybe different from one day to the next. The infectious laughter of my children and grandchildren, if I could bottle it, I would (I’m even smiling as I write), and listening to others share a funny moment. And you’re right it’s starts with a smile and builds as they continue, ending with a chorus of laughter!