Aww this is lovely, Paula. I felt so free and uplifted thinking about your younger self dancing with abandon.

I loved anything arty as a kid. I've recently started painting with watercolours and am enjoying it lots. I make all my own cards now for birthdays etc. Saving a fortune! And having lots of fun in the process. It's sad how we feel we have to stop these pursuits...

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I hope you hit the send button on this one then started dancing like you did all those years ago! I used to love to draw people - they all looked the same (think Kim Casali figurines circa 1972) but were dressed by theme. I haven’t drawn in years. Thanks for the nudge.

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Brilliant post, Paula! I used to love writing poems and short stories, and reading the same books multiple times. It’s not quite the same activity, but I’ve recently decided to freelance as a proofreader and writing support tutor. So, moving a bit closer to that which feels authentic!

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i used to love riding my bike. i still do it now, just not often enough.

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