I love that idea! I’m a gardener, well mostly a food grower which all started when I lived not far from where you are based. I don’t usually make too many plans this time of year and mostly reflect on what I should do with the garden this year. And what you mention in your article - man make plans and god changes them so resonated from the garden perspective. And the idea I love is starting plans in March. In the garden, March is when everything is bursting out of the ground and our hens have really got going with their amazing eggs which goes so well with the hungry gap veg. At this time of year I like to start the day in my pj’s, dressing gown and wellies having a look at all the beds and trying to spot the slightest sign that something new is going to start sprouting. I’m watching for the rhubarb the most as I made bread and butter pudding with a twist last spring - I added rhubarb and it was so delicious! A day started with a garden tour always has a lovely start.

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Yes to us being more in sync with nature, just like your hens and plants in your garden! March does signal that time of renewal and rebirth, and has for me always felt more like a time for new beginnings than January. Your garden (and bread and butter pudding with rhubarb!) sounds blissful, Claire! I love the sound of starting your day with a garden tour 🪴 😊

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I find any numbers usually something that stops me rather than helps me. Thinking that one day it's 2023 and then the next is 2024, or that one day I'm that old and the day next brings me nothing but symbolic anxiety. Too much attention on rational stuff when it comes to happiness :)

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