April is Stress Awareness Month, though I’m pretty sure we’re all aware of stress already. The last few years particularly since 2020, have seen many of us experiencing it in greater levels.
Though stress may be inevitable, it is important to address it where we can in our lives as left unchecked it can have adverse affects on health and weaken the immune system. If you’re in the midst of it, it can seem insurmountable but it is possible to find ways to navigate stress in ways that work for you and support your wellbeing.
Here’s one technique you can try to bring you back to the present moment and encourage calm:
54321 has been shown to be helpful for anxiety, overwhelm, panic or if you struggle with dissociation.
This is one of a number of grounding practices I share in my book, Rest + Calm: Gentle yoga and mindful practices to nurture and restore yourself.
To do this practice, notice:
5 – Things you can SEE
4 – Things you can TOUCH
3 – Things you can HEAR
2 – Things you can SMELL
1 – Thing you can *TASTE
(*Here you could alternatively acknowledge one positive thing about yourself.)
Feel free to repeat this as many times as needed.
Tip: If you’re on your own while doing this, you might prefer to speak aloud, naming each thing and observing how you feel as you go along.
You can follow the practice steps above or in this reel I made when you’re feeling calm to familiarise yourself with them so that you can more easily utilise 54321 during times when you really need it.
Please share this practice with anyone you think will find it beneficial.